Come visit us at our booth at Big Iron. We are in the Expo Building, booth C17.
Randy will be part of the market outlook seminar with Don Roose and Allison Thompson at the Red River Farm Network Issues and Events Center.
This report, issued four times yearly, contains stocks of all major crops by States and U.S. and by position (on-farm or off-farm storage).
This report contains the monthly total number of cattle and calves on feed, placements, marketings, and other disappearances; by class and feedlot capacity for selected states; number of feedlots and fed cattle marketings by size groups for selected states.
This report presents data on the acreage, area planted and harvested, yield and production of wheat, oats, barley, and rye, by state and U.S.; also wheat production by class.
This report, issued four times yearly, contains stocks of all major crops by States and U.S. and by position (on-farm or off-farm storage).
Sept. 30 is the crop insurance sales closing deadline for rye and winter wheat (where available).
Crop insurance coverage for dry peas expires on Sept. 30. Report any claims to your agent as soon as possible.