Martinson Ag’s focus is helping farmers manage risk. By taking calculated risks and passing them on to others via crop insurance, cash marketing positions, and futures/options, Martinson Ag helps farmers navigate risk when the limited reward is no longer beneficial.
We specialize in wheat, corn, soybeans, sunflowers, dry beans, canola and livestock. Our focus is on the timing of this risk transfer and coordinating those efforts with the highly subsidized, but rigid, multi-peril crop insurance program.
Our market outlook is sought out by numerous agricultural mediums, from radio to giving presentations at farm shows, proving our expertise in the commodities market.
The CME Institute has short videos on a cariety of topics in their Course Catalog.
Would you like to learn more about what Martinson Ag has to offer? Send us a message and a Martinson Ag team member will be in touch.
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